This is a week of "WOW" not only in the classroom but outside the classroom as well.
Yesterday afternoon we visited the Metcalf South Mall in Overland Park, KS, which will serve as our subject property for the remaining 13 months of study in this program. We spent an hour and a half walking through and around the subject. Jim Harpool, Eric Mann, and their property engineer of 22 years representing the Morgan family provided us all the critical hard data for us to use in our analysis process. We are grateful for the support of people like the Morgan family and Jim Harpool to help us in this project. It will certainly tax the creative genius of our students.
Following our property tour, we attended the announcement event at the Bloch School about our new higher rankings nationally as an Entrepreneurial and Innovative school as well as the largest donation in the history of UMKC. Henry Bloch's $32,000,000 donation will double the size of the Bloch School Building and create the only building in any business school in the country designed exclusively for entrepreneurial and innovative instruction.
We finished up the day by attending the SIOR Development Day, which continues to draw the "Who's Who" of the commercial real estate community in Kansas City-- a huge turn out and a great opportunity for networking.
This morning Michael is walking us through "Blueprint to a Billion Dollars," explaining detailed, step-by-step processes to insure success as a real estate entrepreneur. His insight, refined through his own personal investments in a wide range of ventures, is very helpful in enabling us to see how we can apply this to our own new creative opportunities in real estate.
It's exam time this afternoon, covering the information learned from Dr. Bolman and Dr. Song. Following the exam Professor Jim Scott will be here to introduce our next topic of "Urban Planning," and I will introduce the "Real Estate Finance" class. Both will be taught over the next two months in a blended "on-line" and "in-person" instruction format.
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